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Rada Jednostki Pomocniczej Uzdrowisko Cieplice. Miasto Przyjazne dla Sprawiedliwego Handlu. Spotkaj się z Prezydentem Miasta. Rekrutacja do przedszkoli i szkół. Stawki podatku od nieruchomości na rok 2017.
Gather as a smaller group through our Bible Studies and Book Clubs! Join a Small Group. Join us for breakfast burritos and discussions on the latest books we are reading. Join us for Worship Come for the fellowship, worship and Biblical message.
Fylgist með okkur á facebook. Fyrir frekari upplýsingar um staðsetningu á heimahópum. Kirkja sem setur verk og persónu Jesú Krists sem miðpunktinn á öllu því sem við gerum. Við trúum að það sé einn, og aðeins einn, lifandi og sannur Guð. Hann er andi, óendanlegur, gæddur vitund, skapari og hæsti drottnari himins og jarðar. Hlustaðu á nýjustu predikun Loftstofunar í seríunni Ómetanlegur Fjarsjóður fyrir Brothættar Sálir.
10 questions to ask at the beginning of a new year. Some great questions for reflection here, which we have used in the past in Urban Life. Worth using again - especially if you can find the ones you used last time to compare with! If our greatest need had been information. God would have sent us an educator. If our greatest need had been technology. God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money. God would have sent us an economist. If our greatest need had been pleasure.